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Services & Rates

​          WALKS:

30 min ~ $15

1 hour  ~ $25 




Pet Sitting

Less than 24 hrs=$25 fee
More than 24 hrs=full refund
Less than 24 hrs=$10 fee
More than 24 hrs=full refund
  Pet Sitting In Your Home:
(No boarding)
Day Visits  

~ $40 for two (morning & evening)

~ $25 for one visit (only if dogs have access to outside to potty-otherwise will only do at least 2 visits

Overnight Visits
~ $75 per day


 Both Include:

~ Home kept clean & fresh

~ At least 12 hour stay per day

~ Mail/paper brought in
~ House plants watered
~ Trash/recycling bins put out
~ Fresh water changes
~ Water & food bowls cleaned
~ Treats! (if allowed)
~ Clean up "messes"
~ Daily cleaning of litter boxes
~ Medications needed to be given

~ Security for your pets & home

~ Any special requirements
~ LOVE LOVE LOVE!! (& hugs)
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